• 1 August 2017, Tuesday
  • Онлайн

Design Thinking Camp 2017. Recordings of talks.

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We regret to inform you, that registration to the Design Thinking Camp 2017. Recordings of talks. is already closed. However, you can take part in our next events. Visit our page lab-w.com for further information.

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2704 дня назад
с 9:00 1 August до 21:00 31 August 2017

Recording of all the open lectures at the grand auditorium at Design Thinking Camp 2017. Design Thinking Camp is a landmark event of this summer dedicated to the design thinking methodology and its application in various business and social fields.

DESIGN THINKING CAMP 2017 took place in Moscow between August 1st and August 3rd.

World’s leading experts in design thinking, experienced practitioners of the method, and those who are just beginning to get acquainted with it gathered together to share their experience and knowledge in the design thinking methodology.

Close to 1000 attendees were at the event, including businessmen and startup entrepreneurs, designers of all kinds, researchers, product and project managers, students… Here you can purchase access to the recorded talks from the following lecturers:

To get access to the videos you need to follow the link that you will receive along with your ticket. Videos will be accessible until August 31st.
Attention! Recordings of presentations by Peter Jackson and Christopher Meierling may not get published after the event. We apologise for any inconvenience.
More about the event at: http://dtcamp.ru/en


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